Friday, November 29, 2019
Telecommunications Advances Essay Example For Students
Telecommunications Advances Essay Today, telecommunications technology affects lives to a greater degree than everbefore. Communication has evolved over many years from the earliest attempts atverbal communication to the use of sophisticated technology to enhance theability to communicate effectively with others. Every time a telephone call ismade, a television is watched, or a personal computer is used, benefits oftelecommunication technologies are being received. The concept oftelecommunications may be defined as the transmission of information from onelocation to another by electronic means. Telecommunications is using electronicsystems to communicate. Life is changing constantly and has been changing fastersince the rapid advancements in telecommunication. Because of continuingattempts to find better and more efficient ways to communicate, the process ofcommunication has steadily improved. Many of these improvements were madewithout the use of electronic technology. Human beings earliest attempts atcommunication were through nonverbal means such as facial expressions andgesturing. The use of these nonverbal signs, prehistoric people were able tocommunicate emotions such as fear, anger, and happiness. More specific motions,such as pointing, allowed them to convey more information . Verbal communicationprobably started with a series of disorganized but meaningful sounds (grunts andsnarls). These sounds slowly developed into a system of organized, spokenlanguage that truly allowed humans to share information (Croal 59). Writing,which is the use of symbols to represent language, began with early cavedrawings, progressed to picture writings such as hieroglyphics, and finallyevolved into the handwritten language we use today (Croal 61). As civilizationdeveloped, people found it necessary to communicate their ideas to one anotherover greater distances. The earliest method of transporting information was tocarry it from place to place; but as the development of commerce made speed anessential part, greater effort was expended to increase the rate at which ideaswere transmitted (Croal62). The search for rapid transport of information led tothe formation of the pony express in 1860 (Cozic 77). Although the pony expressrequired several weeks to carry mail from the East Coast to the West Coast, itwas a vast improvement over the earlier methods. The pony express was not theonly time humans teamed up with animals to attempt to improve communications. We will write a custom essay on Telecommunications Advances specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Dogs and pigeons were used to carry messages, especially during wartime . Most,if not all, of the early forms of communication had two significant problems. Both the speed at which information could be effectively communicated and thedistance over which information could be sent were severely limited. With theadvancements in forms of electronic communication, these problems were solved. It was even before the pony express that a true technological breakthrough wasmade. In 1844, the first electronic transmission occurred when Samuel Morsedeveloped a system of dots and dashes to symbolize letters of the alphabet. Atransmission device called the telegraph was used to send the coded signals overwires. The telegraph was to become the primary method of reliable and rapidcommunication during the American Civil War . It took quite a few years to linkthe major cities of America by telegraph wires, but by 1861 the pony express wasreplaced . Telegraphic communication became a major part of Americas businessand military history. One of the early telegraph companies, Western Union,became the dominant carrier. Today, Western Union, through the use of moderntechnology, transmits information twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Actual voice communication over distance finally became possible in 1876 whenAlexander Graham Bell held the first telephone conversation with his assistant,Thomas Watson . This alternative to written communication rapidly helped thetelephone become the worlds most important communication tool. By 1866 thefirst successful attempt to link Europe and America by undersea cable had beenaccomplished. This cable was capable of carrying telegraph data only . Thetelephone today remains a vital tool, and like the telegraph, the telephone isconstantly being improved by modern technology . By 1900, the goal ofcommunication technologists was to find a method of transmitting messages overlong distances without the need for wires. That dream became reality in 1901when Gugliellmo Marconi and two assistants stood on a hill in Newfoundland andlistened carefully to their receiver. Faintly they heard the Morse codedot-dot-dot, the letter s. the signal had traveled 1,700 miles fromCornwall, England, and it represented the first successful wirelesstransmission. This success led Marconi to form Marconi Wireless TelegraphyCompany. It was not until the Titanic disaster in 1912, however, that wirelesstransmissions became commercially profitable. As the Titanic was sinking, theships radio operator transmitted distress signals over his wirelesstelegraph. A passing ship, the Carpathia, which sped to the Titanics locationand rescued 700 of the 2,200 people aboard, picked up the signals. Shortly afterthis disaster, most maritime nations required wireless telegraphs on all largeships. The Marconi experiment eventually led to the development of the radio. Onan evening in November, 1920, radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,went on the air with the first live radio broadcast. By 1922, 564 radio stationswere on the air. Today, thousands of radio stations broadcast our favoritemusic, news, weather, and sports information . As important as it was, theimpact of the transmission of sounds by wire and by wireless methods seemsminor, when the effect of television, the device that permits the transmissionof both sounds and images. In 1926 J.L. Baird, working with the BritishBroadcasting Company (BBC), became the first person to transmit a televisionpicture, and in 1936 the worlds first television service was introduced . By1948, twenty television stations were on the air. The first color televisionservice began in the United States in 1954 . Sociologist James K. Martinbelieves The impact of television is legendary and has totally changed theway American families live . Modern telecommunications rely on moderntechnology and one of the most important elements of that technology is thecomputer. Todays computer industry is moving with great momentum. Mostschools are equipped to teach computer skills, and it is no longer rare for astudent to come to first grade with a basic understanding of computers gainedfrom the familys personal computer . In 1930 an American electricals cientist, Vannevar Bush, constructed the first analog computer . However, theperson credited with developing the first digital computer is Howard Aiken ofHarvard University, who completed his project in 1944 . Analog signals are aconstant flow of information, whereas digital signals are a series of shortbursts of information. Historian Mark Halls says, most historians point toENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) as the real beginning ofcomputer technology . Engineers at the University of Pennsylvania built thisgiant computer in 1946. ENIAC utilized vacuum tubes to control computerfunctions. The concept of storing programs in a computers memory is credited toJohn van Neumann, an American mathematician. It was in 1951 that the developersof ENIAC constructed Univac I, which became the first computer to bemass-produced . The traditional U.S. postal service is not oriented to meetneeds for instant information access, so many mailboxes have become electronic. .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .postImageUrl , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:hover , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:visited , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:active { border:0!important; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:active , .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udebcf483acc768b5195b974b5c89573d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Signifigance Of Disease And Plauge In Hamlet EssayElectronic messages can be sent any hour of the day or night using a computer, amodem, and a telephone. These electronic messages may be read, filed, stored,erased, printed, and rerouted. A computer used in conjunction with the telephoneline and a television set allows homeowners to view merchandise, compare prices,and do electronic shopping. No longer are bank customers dependent on bankershours to withdraw money or to obtain account information . Many school librarieshave a new reference resource, an electronic encyclopedia. Libraries connect toelectronic encyclopedias with personal computers. Facts can be read on thescre en or sent to the printer. Through the use of telecommunications, theopportunity to access vast amounts of information located in large commercialdata bases are beyond belief. Within a matter of seconds, a computer can accessinformation and can appear on its screen. Today, information services bring newlearning opportunities and data into the home through telecommunications ). Theinformation age has already arrived, and telecommunication technology has playedan important role in it. It has already had an impact on what have beenconsidered traditional methods of transmitting information over distances. Thisnew technology has also changed the methods by which information is manipulatedand stored. Telecommunications is changing the way people work, play, live andthink.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Write a Literary Analysis on ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by N. Hawthorne
How to Write a Literary Analysis on ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by N. Hawthorne Writing a literary analysis is a great way to get students to understand the importance and beauty of any classic work of literature. That is why your instructor is bound to assign one to you this semester. If ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by N. Hawthorne is on your reading list, chances are that you will need to write an analysis on this book. If this is your first time writing a literary analysis, this guide will outline everything you need to know in order to get started. The following lines detail manageable steps which are easy to follow. Think of this as a detailed template with explanations given at every stage. Now while everything you are about to read is related to ‘The Scarlet Letter’, you can use this outline every time you need to write a literary analysis. Before you begin, you need to decide on the aspect you will write about. This can be anything as far as it is relevant to the book. However, being more specific while selecting a topic shows how well you have researched your assignment, so make sure to choose a thoughtful and original idea. To write about ‘The Scarlet Letter’, refer to our list of 20 essay topics for ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by N. Hawthorne for a literary analysis and the 10 facts on ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by N. Hawthorne for a literary analysis. After finalizing your topic, you need to tackle the three parts of your essay: Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion. Introduction The introduction should be able to catch the reader’s attention, which is why the first sentence is aptly called a â€Å"hook†. You should include the name of the author, the title of the work, and a short explanation of the theme you will be addressing. You also need to include a short introduction of the major characters and a summary of the work. To conclude the introduction, write your main thesis, i.e. a summary of your overall ideas. Write it using clear and strong words. Hook Name of the Author Title of the Literary Work Main Characters Short Summary Thesis Statement Body The body of the essay is composed of three to five topic sentences. This number varies on the word count of the assignment. Each topic paragraph has a few sub-parts which you need to include if you want a logically consistent essay. The advantage of following this structure is ensuring that each of your topic sentence ties in with your central thesis. Topic Paragraph: Topic Sentence - Describe how this paragraph proves your thesis Connector for Textual Evidence - Provide context for textual evidence Textual Evidence - Quote the relevant part of the text Analysis - Comment on the quote and how it proves your main argument (thesis) Close and Transition - Conclude the paragraph and transition on to the next paragraph Repeat this pattern for every paragraph, but skip the transition part for the last one. Conclusion To conclude your essay, you should present a summary of your main argument. Reword the summary, though, and do not re-use your introduction. Then, write out a broad statement which reflects the importance of the analysis you wrote. You should also explain the importance of the text and its themes. You will be able to complete the assignment easily if you stick to this outline. With your instructor’s guidelines to add, the format you read is all you need for writing a great literary analysis and getting a great grade.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Profits from pornography and prostitution Assignment
Profits from pornography and prostitution - Assignment Example A survey conducted in U.S.A reveals that adult bookshops and stores offer more number of books that exhibit pornographic contents that are legally banned in the country. Though legal implications are more, pornography has not been reduced and most of these forms violate the norms and regulations specified by the government. (Pace, 1983). Another organized crime is prostitution that also reaps profit to the one who owns the business. In most of the countries children below the age of 16 are also forcibly included into this act of prostitution. (Lunde, 2006). Though it is not legally permitted in most of the countries, illegal activists continue to do this organized crime. Vice Crimes are the ones that are banned either by the legal system or by the society due to the illicit problems that they bring into the society. The common vice crimes are prostitution and pornography. (Albanese, 2011). They are considered as illegal acts that spoil the morality of the people and communities in particular. Victimless crimes do not involve any third party or a person except from the one who is directly involved in it. Usage of drugs and alcoholics that are prohibited by the government is also considered to be victimless crimes. (Monkkonen, 1992). They also fall under the category of victimless crimes that are committed by organized crime. Even procuring illegal drugs and supplying them to the people are considered to be organized
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Chloride Contamination on the Groundwater, Soil and Plants Coursework
Chloride Contamination on the Groundwater, Soil and Plants - Coursework Example Water from sumps has been taken for measuring the surface water content and from deeper wells for sub surface water salinity. Finally, the soil was also sampled and the salinity of the soil was also measured. This was found to still be elevated though it has come down drastically on an average in all the three cases. The sub surface water sample was normally taken after bailing out the water in the sampling wells. Similarly, the soil samples are taken at a depth of 60 centimetres in line with the standard soil sampling technique. Surface water samples were picked up from the sump that was available. The sampled values were then used for analysis to find out the rate of chloride reduction in the sub surface water and soil. This would help in indicating to what extent the vegetation can grow in the soil at the heath. It was found that the soil conditions are not particularly, right for the tree growth. Though, even up to 20000 ppm in the tree, it was found that the presence of chloride may not adversely affect tree growth. The ideal ppm, however, is 4 to 8 ppm and that is the figure really looked at for vegetation to thrive anywhere. It is therefore, important that the work is completed by reducing the presence of chlorides further. ... 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3. DEDICATION 4. GENERAL INTRODUCTION The following placement project was carried out within the British Petroleum (BP), at Wytch Farm, which is an oil field and oil and natural gas processing facility in the Purbeck district of Dorset, England from 11th June to 1st September 2007. 4.1 Existing situation The Wytch Farm Oilfield, is the largest known onshore field in the UK, it lies beneath the southern shores of Poole harbour in an area of outstanding natural beauty famous for its landscape, ecology and amenity value (BP Petroleum Development, 1986). The Wytch Farm Oilfield, with its approximately 300 million barrels of recoverable oil, is a useful to the oil industry and to the local and national economy. It produces in present time around 70,000 barrels (approximately 11,365,000 litres) of oil per day. The oilfield consists of two major reservoirs, the shallower Birdport reservoir at 900 meters under the surface (BP Exploration, 1994) this reservoir was discovered in 1974, and later, it was developed to produce 4,000 barrels of crude oil per day (BP Petroleum Development, 1986). The larger and more productive reservoir is Sherwood reservoir, which is about 1500 meters below the surface (BP Exploration, 1994). The deeper reservoir (Sherwood reservoir) was discovered in 1978 but it remains under-developed. Production testing from one Sherwood well has increased and nowadays production is about 5,500 barrels of oil per day (BP Petroleum Development, 1986). The location of Wytch Farm is on the southern shores of Pool Harbour. This area is sensitive landscape that includes a number of conversation designations. Crude oil is extracted from the Wytch Farm, Wareham and Kimmeridge
Monday, November 18, 2019
International Law and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International Law and Institutions - Essay Example The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Since the 1990s not only has the Security Council agreed to authorize humanitarian intervention, there have also been interventions without authorization from the Security Council such as the intervention in Northern Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Haiti, Yugoslavia/Kosovo and East Timor. These latter interventions have arisen as a result of a perception of the Security Council’s failure to act or ineffective action where there has been concern about the severe deprivation of human rights. For example, the failure of the UN to broker political peace in Somalia led to the US Operation Restore Hope in 1992, which for the first time in American history, saw American troops committed to a military operation for a cause completely unrelated to protecting their national interest. The operation’s goal was to open supply routes for food relief efforts and prepare the way for a UN peacekeeping force to preserve the security of these routes. The challenge, it seems, must be to leave open the option for humanitarian intervention in extreme cases of human suffering, where the reasons for action seem morally imperative and politically sound but the Security Council is unable to act, while at the same time to avoid jeopardising in a fundamental way the existing, hard-earned, international legal order, including the central role of the Security Council.  ... must be to leave open the option for humanitarian intervention in extreme cases of human suffering, where the reasons for action seem morally imperative and politically sound but the Security Council is unable to act, while at the same time to avoid jeopardising in a fundamental way the existing, hard-earned, international legal order, including the central role of the Security Council.1 The Security Council is bound by the Charter. However as the US has cogently argued the Charter is too narrow. It envisaged only those situations where a state might call on the help of the international community or where international peace was threatened. It did not take into account the situations observed since then in the killing fields of Cambodia, Rwanda and Srebrenica. In 2004, 10 years after the genocide in Rwanda, the Canadian Foreign Minister, Bill Graham was reported by the BBC to have said: We lack the political will to achieve the necessary agreement on how to put in place the type of measures that will prevent a future Rwanda from happening2 Although the primary responsibility lies with the state, where a population is suffering serious harm, as a result of internal war, insurgency, repression or state failure, and the state in question is unwilling or unable to halt or avert it, the principle of non-intervention should lead to a larger principle, that of the international responsibility to protect3. There are essentially 2 criticisms of the UN: its relevance and its structure. As can be seen from the US ignoring the UN over Iraq and the UN's admission of failing to act in time to the obvious threat in Rwanda, there are many reasons for questioning its relevance. Its structure goes back to 1945 where the victorious powers of World War II decided to stamp their
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analysis Aviss Existing Marketing Strategy
Analysis Aviss Existing Marketing Strategy Avis jump up at Vietnam market from June 2009. They stand at one of leader positions in the car rental industry. Avis is always confident that they would bring to customers a consistent high quality and recognizable service with our dedicated team of employees [1] . In Vietnam market, Avis is developing tremendously two fields which are short term leasing and long term leasing. In this report, I will analysis Aviss existing marketing strategy and value creation process by marketing mix (4Ps) to help stakeholders to have an overview about advantages and disadvantages of Aviss marketing strategy. From the research of Avis that I showed at previous part, I would give the company recommendations about their marketing strategy to increase their market share, profitability,value creation, and sustainability. C:UsersHIEPCTDesktopabout_avis_1.jpg INTRODUCTION Avis always has been known as a strong brand name in the world. They have more than 3000 offices in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia and 2000 offices in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Latin America/Caribbean region. In 1970, the first office of Avis was opened in Asian in Hong Kong. Through 10 years, Avis developed steadily with many new locations in Singapore, the Philippines, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. Recently, the company opened more operations in India, China and Taiwan in 2007. Avis realized that Asia is a very potential market, so that they develop their network bigger and bigger in here. At the moment, Avis has over 235 offices in Asia in countries below: Bangladesh* Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Brunei India Mariana Islands Sri Lanka China Japan (Sales Office) Pakistan Taiwan (Sales Office) Guam Korea (South) Philippines Thailand Hong Kong Macau Sakhalin (East Russia) Vietnam At present, Avis seems to be the most popular international car rental brand in Asia with more than 34000 cars and about 2500 staffs in all operations. Long term car leasing is a type of business which Avis want to focus on. The kind of leasing has many special benefits and services which the company would bring to customers when they choose it. Current Situation of Avis Access the existing marketing strategy of Avis I would analysis 4Ps to identify the existing marketing strategy of Avis: Elements: Aviss long-term car rental services Product (Service) If you need a car in Vietnam for an extended period of time (1 year or more) but do not wish to commit yourself to buying one then Avis car leasing is for you! Avis can bring to customers benefits and services: Lower monthly payment compared to car rental Choice of your preferred vehicle make, model, color and specs Use of a professionally trained English speaking Avis driver Convenience insurance, road tax, servicing and maintenance all taken care by Avis Complimentary replacement vehicle during vehicle servicing Access to a dedicated Avis Car Leasing Account Manager Complimentary 24 Hours breakdown assistance Exclusive worldwide Avis car rental discounts for travel and home leave [2] Place (Distribution) Avis has over 5000 locations in the world and they have two offices in Vietnam market. Price Avis is one of the strongest brand names in the field and their services are always standing at the top, so that their price cannot cheap. Promotion Avis is a popular brand name, so that they always receive many attentions from media although they dont need to promote too much. On the other hand, Avis also advertise their services on social networks like Facebook It can be seen easily that Avis is using differentiation marketing strategy after analysing 4Ps. The marketing strategy of the company is differentiation that means Avis want to make differentiations in the Vietnam market, to compare with their rivals. As can be known, Avis not only can bring to their consumers many choices of luxury car which includes benefits and high quality services, but also can create some special package services for customers in entertainment and business such as Gold Package, Hanoi tour package, Avis Vietnam luxury Halong Bay cruise package. They are excellent services to help consumers to visit wonder places or tourist destinations of Vietnam. Especially, Avis has list of all golf courses in Vietnam to give customers to choose and they also are the leading cruise companies in Vietnam jointly offer you the Luxury Halong Bay Cruise Package. In US market, Avis apply the differentiation marketing strategy to develop as well. As can be seen, Avis in US has not only given care rental but also bought their car and they have a service to make their customer interest in which is ultimate test drive. The service gives consumers chance to try driving a car before they decide to buy it with many benefits: Thousands of low-mileage, late-model vehicles for sale More than 75 well-maintained makes and models Take Avis Ultimate Test Drive for two hours or up to 3 days Low, pre-posted pricing no negotiation Try before you buy [3] In my opinion, its really a good marketing strategy which is different and can attract customers come to Avis. Identify the value creation progress of Avis I would use value chain to analysis value creation progress of Avis Vietnam: Inbound Logistics Avis is exist and developing through many years, so that the relationship between the company and car suppliers or partners is very good. However, there are many Vietnams automobile taxes which are very high. Therefore, Avis should concentrate more about this point to reduce the cost. Operations Resource inputs are not only luxury cars. People are a resource especially in service industries. Therefore, Avis trains staffs to build trusted consumer relationships by the premium service. Outbound Logistics Avis product their services through network operators and system of offices in the world. The customer can book schedule by internet or offices. Any car was test carefully before serving customers. Marketing and Sales Avis group uses advertising on network social like Facebook, promotions, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to inform customers about their services. Besides that, Avis builds belief of customers by providing best service and allowed them to segment the market effectively. Service Avis supplies the best services to customers and the addition benefits with it. It is discount, insurance car or monthly check, repaired car, and so onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Support activities Procurement Acquire the resource inputs to the primary actives: Avis always supplied quality cars for their services. In addition, the company will be preferred to pick up the customer at airport by Vietnam airline or received tourist transport contacts from Vietnam national administration of tourism [4] . Technology development In my opinion, Avis certainly had some research about Vietnam market and demand of Vietnamese people. Therefore, they made a different thing with other market which is car rental including driver. In addition, they also dont buy their car at Vietnam market like others. Human resource management Avis always hide good drivers who even know to speak English. Avis always want to ensure about their quality services so that the attitude of employees is very important. Avis usually trains them carefully and also provide the chance to employees study and learning to develop their skill. Quality Management Avis believe that corporate sustainability can only be effective if it embraces all steps of the value chain. This is why the Avis not only sets the highest standards for itself but also expects suppliers and partners to meet ecological and social standard. Competitive advantage Resource based view (RBV) Hollensen, S. (2003) defined that long term competitiveness of a company depends on its resources that differentiate it from its competitors, so that the first step, I would analysis tangible resource and intangible resource of Avis Tangible: The quality of Avis car rental. Have more 5000 locations in the world. In Asian, Avis has over 34000 luxury cars for leasing and a large human resource with 2500 employees. Intangible: Strong brand name in the world. Avis has research about Vietnam market before jumping up. Experience in car rental business through many years Special services for any locations Skill and knowledge of employees. Avis has been active in this field for over 40 years, so they have a lot of experience in the car rental field. In addition, the core competence of Avis which is created by the combination of all tangible and intangible resources above, Avis would have a big competitive advantage in Vietnam market. Market oriented view (MOV) There are three main elements of environment which includes customer, competitors, environment; Avis has to adapt to create differentiations from their competitors. Customer: Vietnamese people has trend to own car, instead of using car rental services of Avis. Avis should have more strategies to stimulate customers to use services more. Competitors: Hertz, Enterprise, etc are Aviss major competitors. In Vietnam market, Avis would be competitive by smaller company who set the lower price for their services. Environment: Long-term car rental is preferred for the kind of customers who usually has to use car but dont want to pay a large of money to buy in a period. Especially, the service including driver to help their consumers not to worry about Vietnamese traffic laws which is very complicated. All these changes to suit with environment create differentiation for Aviss services. Base on analysis RBV and MOV, it founds that the core competence and those differentiation create competitive advantage for Avis in Vietnam market. PESTLE analysis Political Legal Environment: There is only one Party nationally in Vietnam, so that they have a stable political situation. In addition, the Government has had reform to develop suitably with international and nation situation at any period. Government also builds the Law of Foreign Investment to encourage organizations to invest in Vietnam market. However, the traffic in Vietnam isnt good, especially in Hanoi and Hochiminh with too large vehicle density, so that the Government has to limit the number of transport, especially car. Therefore, Government brings out policies and law (high taxed rate) applies for car, especially imported car. Economic The Vietnamese economy has been developing rapidly and in 2008, World Bank published that Vietnam is one of the best performing economies in the world over the last decade. Vietnam has joined WTO in 2007 and its quietly opened for foreign company to run business in the market. On the other hand, GDP in 2009-10 in Vietnam grew less than the 7% per annum average achieved during the last decade and the inflation rate increased from 7% to 9% because the global economic which affect to Vietnam, is unstably. Therefore, its really a opportunity with Avis because purchasing power would be decreased which means citizen wouldnt dare bring a large of money to buy car and they can choose Aviss services to save money. It can be a big chance which Avis should concentrate on. (See appendix 1) Social culture According to CIA, Vietnam is really a densely populated country with the population is over 90 million by 2011. However, the Vietnamese people are concentrated mainly in big cities such as Hanoi, Hochiminhà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦which is always potential markets for Avis. Thats reason why Avis opened two operations at the cities. The demand for using car of Vietnamese people is increasing rapidly, but they usually want to own one instead of renting car. That is a big different about culture among Vietnam and others. Technology: Nowadays, technology is focused by all of the governments in the world, media tools are developing more and more, especially internet. We can update all of news every time in everywhere. As can be seen that, media usually affect to customers buying behavior. In 2011, VNNIC published that 42% of poplar use internet as daily communication. We can be sure that advertising and promotion on internet network would help Avis to have a big advantage in marketing. In fact, Avis has promoted their advertising for the services in Vietnam market on their website and Facebook which can be connected easily with customers. Discussion SWOT analysis Strengths Avis is a strong brand name in car rental business in the world. They have developed their business very successful through over 40 years, so that their experiences in the field have been acknowledged. In addition, Avis has a large network with over 5000 locations in the international market. With over 34,000 cars and over 2,500 employees throughout the region, Avis is the leading international car rental brand in Asia and Avis really has good websites, retailer stores and operations around the world. The company also has many kinds of luxury cars to help their customers to choose. To use the long-term leasing of Avis, consumers would receive many benefits and services from Avis with the highest quality. Weakness Avis just appeared at Vietnam market in recent, so that they have only two operations at the country (at Hanoi capital and Ho Chi Minh City). The demand for long-term rental of Vietnamese people is not high and to change their minds is a difficult mission with the company. Opportunity Vietnam always is a potential market for almost of luxury products or services. The standard life of Vietnamese people is increasing more and more, so that to use new services or products can be interested by them. In addition, the service of Avis can help them to save their money although they can still use a luxury car. On the other hand, Avis has not many competitors who can bring to customers good services like them at Vietnam market. Threat Vietnamese Government doesnt encourage increasing the number of car in circulation at Vietnam, especially at Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh because the traffic congestion in the two cities is very high. Avis also should care about their competitor Satsco [5] that is an indigenous company. The key strengths and weaknesses of Avis existing marketing strategy Strengths Special services to attract customers Have many promotions with high quality services. Use professional website and Facebook to advertise Co-operated with many famous partners in Vietnam market. Weakness Just only two operations in Vietnam market (in Hanoi and Hochiminh) while Danang and Haiphongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are also big cities which are potential markets as well. Avis dont publish their price on public, so that the customer will be lack of information. They dont advertise on other media like television, newspaperwhich are easy to attract customers. Recommendations Segmentation, Targeted, Positioning. Segmentation: The main customers of Aviss car long-term rental are both male and female who have at least average income or small company because they have demand to use car but they havent enough money or save their money. The largest number of customer would focus on big cities such as Hanoi, Hochiminh, Haiphong, Danangà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ However, the economy is developing, so that the segmentation in Vietnam market would be larger. Targeting: Socio-demographic Age: over 25 Income: Above $2000/month Education: graduated, post graduated Occupation: Businessman, artists Geographic: all three regions. Social class: upper-middle, lower-upper, upper-upper Behaviouristic Loyalty: moderate and loyalty Shopping habit: want to use high quality services. Psychographic Interest: class asserting Value: Living standard, convenience Benefit sought Product features: attractive, unique, promotions, benefits including. Positioning: Because of the high quality service, price of Aviss services wouldnt be cheap. High price Aviss car rental Low quality High quality Low price Growth strategy MarketMarket penetration; (for growth) or consolidation (to maintain position) or withdraw Product development Diversification Market Development Present New Present Product New Ansoffs matrix Avis has already had two operations in Hanoi and Hochiminh in Vietnam. Avis should think about expanding stores in other. Therefore, market development is suitable strategy for company at this time. Objective and Goal of Aviss car long-term rental Objective: Lead to the best car rental service in 2014 Goals: Increase revenue by 30% in next two year Have operations in Danang in 2013, Haiphong in 2015 Gain more 10% market share at the end of 2013 The detail plan would be present at Appendix 2. Marketing strategy and program (Marketing Mix) Marketing mix includes 7Ps which Avis has to apply in their marketing plan for achieving. Product: Product refers to the goods and services which firms offer to their customers. Firms must place sufficient importance to the product/service as well as the other aspects associated with the product that attract customer attention. [6] Aviss car rental was created to serve customers who need to use car but they havent enough money or want to save money for other works. Avis always understand demands of customers in Vietnam market. Therefore, in addition to normally benefits in services, Avis also make a new different service including drivers for the market which is very necessary with traffic conditions in Vietnam. Price: The price has always been regarded as an important competitive factor in attracting customers. The price of Avis is not published on their anywhere but the service of a famous company like Avis cant be cheap. Therefore, Avis should concentrate on the issue because the average income of Vietnamese people was just about $1.100 (2010). Promotion: Promotion plays an important role in companys marketing strategy. Firstly, we have to decide what components of the communication mix that should be used in the plan. There are many media that Avis can choose to promote: Television, Radio, Newspaper or Magazines, Internetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In addition, Avis could advertise their service through internet networks such as Aviss official website, online newspapers, forums, social network (Facebook, Twitter, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). IT is developing more and more at the moment, so that it could be the most effective promoting channel with very low cost for Avis. On the other hand, Avis should bring out discount policy or giving giftà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ which would attract more customers. (You can see more detail in Appendix 3) Place: At the moment, there are two ways for Avis to connect with customers. One way is that their customers can come to Aviss operation directly. Avis has two operations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh for transaction. If customers havent time or are so far from the company, they can choose contact with Avis indirectly through their website. Its also comfortable and convenience. In the future, Avis should set to open more operations in other big cities of Vietnam to expand their market in Vietnam. People People are one of the key elements to help the organization to achieve. In this case of Avis, sale forces and drivers would direct communicate with customer so they create the image of Avis. Therefore, to train staffs is important mission with Avis. Process Avis should invest in RD project for better understanding customer need and RD is also help Avis gathering customer feedback because as can be seen that customer communication is an important process with the company. Avis also has to provide information (especially about price) to customers on their website and public through advertising. Physical evidence The car using in rental always need to be clear and comfortable, luxury, elegance to attack customers. In addition, drivers should wear uniform which can create imagine of Avis brand and its also show that the attitude serving of Avis is always professional. The customer can always believe in the company. CONCLUSION Car rental is a new type of services, especially in Vietnam. Vietnamese people are not really familiar with long-term leasing. However, with new marketing strategy, I believe Avis car long-term leasing would be more preferred and Avis would still lead to the first place in car rental industry not only in others but also in Vietnam market. World count: 3297 REFERENCES University of Sunderland, BA (Honor) (2005), Marketing Strategy, University of Sunderland. Kotler, P., Wong, V., Saunders, J. and Armstrong, G. (2005), Principles of Marketing, 4th European edition, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall Ansoff, I. (1965), Corporate strategy, New York: McGraw Hill Barker, M. (1992) Marketing strategy and management, 2nd edition, HongKong : Macmillan Dyson, R. (1990) Strategic Planning Models and Analytical Techniques, Oxford: John Wiley and sons. Hollensen, S. (2003) Marketing strategy, London: Prentice Hall Porter, M. (1990), The competitive Advantage of Nations, London: Macmillan BPP Professional Education (2004), Mandatory Unit 7: Business Strategy, 1st edition, London: Aldine House, Aldine Place The Hinton information service (2007) Strong Momentum Driving Jewellery and Watch Market The Hilton information service [Online], available from: [accessed Sep 20 2012] Avis, official website: CIA The World Factbook, East and Southeast Asia: Vietnam [Online], available from: [accessed Sep 21, 2012], Market strategy analysis tools [Online], available from : [accessed Sep 22, 2012], Value chain [Online], available from: [accessed Sep 22, 2012] General Statistics Office of Vietnam, official website: Business dictionary, Competitive advantage [Online], available from: [access on Sep 24, 2012], Positioning map, [Online], available from:,r:8,s:56,i:279 [accessed Sep 24,2012] BIBLIOGRAPHY Doyle, P. and Stern, P. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Growing Old Essay -- essays research papers
Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief, all will go through the aging process. However, how well each endures that process depends on the individual. After my Visit at English Oaks Convalescent Home, a skilled nursing facility for adults’ age 55 and older, I found this to be true. During my visit, I conversed with many â€Å"residents†whom were alert and oriented and very aware of the aging process. We conversed about the process of aging and the factors that appear to account for a longer life. We talked about adjusting to aging as well as the positives of growing old. After my visit, I realized that we all age at different rates and aging is a highly individual process that affects people in unpredictable ways. It is inevitable that we all grow old, but it is not inevitable to grow old in such a manner as not to be able to bend down and tie our shoelaces, or do the everyday ordinary chores without the resultant aches and pains. Slowing the "aging process" therefore depends on the individual and what steps they employ to do this. While visiting with residents, each spoke of factors, which they felt, accounted for their long and healthy lives. Just as the Abkhasians, three main factors appear to account for their long lives. The first is their diet, the second is their lifelong physical activity and the third factor is a highly developed sense of community (Henslin 2004). These factors were very similar to the ones that the elderly I spoke to had. The residents at English Oak also felt that diet, exercise and regular visits from friends and family contribute to living a longer and healthier life. Another common factor discussed by many was the importance of being involved at the fac ility. This presents opportunities to meet new people. Although New friends may never replace the lost closeness shared with someone who they knew before their hair turned grey, or before their first child was born, the support network that comes with sharing life with peers can counter loneliness and goes a long way toward dispelling feelings of isolation. Many felt that the more people they interact with daily, the more chance there is to form new bonds. The Abkhasian culture integrate each individual from childhood into a primary group and remains so throughout life. They have no nursing homes and the elderly do not live alone. The elderly continue to work and contribut... ...ging. I was told that creativity learned early, does not diminish with age, elderly are sexually more relaxed and the ability to cope increases and stress levels decrease. I was told that as we grow older we take more responsibility for our health, we understand ourselves with better perspective and we are more confident and care less what other people think. I was also told that the capacity to love increases, gratitude deepens and sense of humor is heightened. This made me smile and for the first time look forward to my older days. Old age is not a popular subject in our culture. We don't like to think about the prospect of growing old, so we put it out of our minds. Consequently, when it happens to us or a family member, we have no idea of what to expect. Many factors are involved in the aging process. Aging is an extremely complex process that affects all of us physically, socially and psychologically. It is important that we understand how aging affects us as individuals. As the old adage saus, â€Å"Take The Bull By The Horns†means we must do everything in our power to slow down the aging process. By slowing down the aging process, we are extending our life expectancy.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Vampire Academy Chapter 7
SEVEN A COUPLE WEEKS PASSED AFTER that, and I soon forgot about the Anna thing as life at the Academy wrapped around me. The shock of our return had worn off a little, and we began to fall into a semi-comfortable routine. My days revolved around church, lunch with Lissa, and whatever sort of social life I could scrape together outside of that. Denied any real free time, I didn't have too hard a time staying out of the spotlight, although I did manage to steal a little attention here and there, despite my noble speech to her about ? ®coasting through the middle.' I couldn't help it. I liked flirting, I liked groups, and I liked making smartass comments in class. Her new, incognito role attracted attention simply because it was so different than before we'd left, back when she'd been so active with the royals. Most people soon let that go, accepting that the Dragomir princess was fading off the social radar and content to run with Natalie and her group. Natalie's rambling still made me want to beat my head against a wall sometimes, but she was really nice – nicer than almost any of the other royals – and I enjoyed hanging around her most of the time. And, just as Kirova had warned, I was indeed training and working out all the time. But as more time passed, my body stopped hating me. My muscles grew tougher, and my stamina increased. I still got my ass kicked in practice but not quite as badly as I used to, which was something. The biggest toll now seemed to be on my skin. Being outside in the cold so much was chapping my face, and only Lissa's constant supply of skin-care lotions kept me from aging before my time. She couldn't do much for the blisters on my hands and feet. A routine also developed with Dimitri and me. Mason had been right about him being antisocial. Dimitri didn't hang out much with the other guardians, though it was clear they all respected him. And the more I worked with him, the more I respected him too, though I didn't really understand his training methods. They didn't seem very badass. We always started by stretching in the gym, and lately he'd been sending me outside to run, braving the increasingly cold Montana autumn. Three weeks after my return to the Academy, I walked into the gym before school one day and found him sprawled on a mat, reading a Louis L'Amour book. Someone had brought in a portable CD player, and while that cheered me up at first, the song coming from it did not: â€Å"When Doves Cry†by Prince. It was embarrassing to know the title, but one of our former housemates had been obsessed with the ? ®80s. â€Å"Whoa, Dimitri,†I said, tossing my bag on the floor. â€Å"I realize this is actually a current hit in Eastern Europe right now, but do you think we could maybe listen to something that wasn't recorded before I was born?†Only his eyes flicked toward me; the rest of his posture remained the same. â€Å"What does it matter to you? I'm the one who's going to be listening to it. You'll be outside running.†I made a face as I set my foot up on one of the bars and stretched my hamstrings. All things considered, Dimitri had a good-natured tolerance for my snarkiness. So long as I didn't slack in my training, he didn't mind my running commentary. â€Å"Hey,†I asked, moving on to the next set of stretches, â€Å"what's with all the running, anyway? I mean, I realize the importance of stamina and all that, but shouldn't I be moving on to something with a little hitting? They're still killing me in group practice.†â€Å"Maybe you should hit harder,†he replied drily. â€Å"I'm serious.†â€Å"Hard to tell the difference.†He set the book down but didn't move from his sprawl. â€Å"My job is to get you ready to defend the princess and fight dark creatures, right?†â€Å"Yup.†â€Å"So tell me this: suppose you manage to kidnap her again and take her off to the mall. While you're there, a Strigoi comes at you. What will you do?†â€Å"Depends on what store we're in.†He looked at me. â€Å"Fine. I'll stab him with a silver stake.†Dimitri sat up now, crossing his long legs in one fluid motion. I still couldn't figure out how someone so tall could be so graceful. â€Å"Oh?†He raised his dark eyebrows. â€Å"Do you have a silver stake? Do you even know how to use one?†I dragged my eyes away from his body and scowled. Made with elemental magic, silver stakes were a guardian's deadliest weapon. Stabbing a Strigoi through the heart with one meant instant death. The blades were also lethal to Moroi, so they weren't given out lightly to novices. My classmates had just started learning how to use them. I'd trained with a gun before, but no one would let me near a stake yet. Fortunately, there were two other ways to kill a Strigoi. â€Å"Okay. I'll cut his head off.†â€Å"Ignoring the fact that you don't have a weapon to do that, how will you compensate for the fact that he may be a foot taller than you?†I straightened up from touching my toes, annoyed. â€Å"Fine, then I'll set him on fire.†â€Å"Again, with what?†â€Å"All right, I give up. You've already got the answer. You're just messing with me. I'm at the mall and I see a Strigoi. What do I do?†He looked at me and didn't blink. â€Å"You run.†I repressed the urge to throw something at him. When I finished my stretches, he told me he'd run with me. That was a first. Maybe running would give me some insight into his killer reputation. We set out into the chilly October evening. Being back on a vampiric schedule still felt weird to me. With school about to start in an hour, I expected the sun to be coming up, not down. But it was sinking on the western horizon, lighting up the snow-capped mountains with an orange glow. It didn't really warm things up, and I soon felt the cold pierce my lungs as my need for oxygen deepened. We didn't speak. He slowed his pace to match mine, so we stayed together. Something about that bothered me; I suddenly very much wanted his approval. So I picked up my own pace, working my lungs and muscles harder. Twelve laps around the track made three miles; we had nine more to go. When we reached the third-to-last loop, a couple of other novices passed by, preparing to go to the group practice I'd soon be at as well. Seeing me, Mason cheered. â€Å"Good form, Rose!†I smiled and waved back. â€Å"You're slowing down,†Dimitri snapped, jerking my gaze from the boys. The harshness in his voice startled me. â€Å"Is this why your times aren't getting any faster? You're easily distracted?†Embarrassed, I increased my speed once more, despite the fact that my body started screaming obscenities at me. We finished the twelve laps, and when he checked, he found we'd shaved two minutes off my best time. â€Å"Not bad, huh?†I crowed when we headed back inside for cool-down stretches. â€Å"Looks like I could get as far as the Limited before the Strigoi got me at the mall. Not sure how Lissa would do.†â€Å"If she was with you, she'd be okay.†I looked up in surprise. It was the first real compliment he'd paid me since I started training with him. His brown eyes watched me, both approving and amused. And that's when it happened. I felt like someone had shot me. Sharp and biting, terror exploded in my body and in my head. Small razors of pain. My vision blurred, and for a moment, I wasn't standing there. I was running down a flight of stairs, scared and desperate, needing to get out of there, needing to find? me. My vision cleared, leaving me back on the track and out of Lissa's head. Without a word to Dimitri, I tore off, running as fast as I could toward the Moroi dorm. It didn't matter that I'd just put my legs through a mini-marathon. They ran hard and fast, like they were shiny and new. Distantly, I was aware of Dimitri catching up to me, asking me what was wrong. But I couldn't answer him. I had one task and one alone: get to the dorm. Its looming, ivy-covered form was just coming into view when Lissa met up with us, her face streaked with tears. I came to a jarring stop, my lungs ready to burst. â€Å"What's wrong? What happened?†I demanded, clutching her arms, forcing her to look into my eyes. But she couldn't answer. She just flung her arms around me, sobbing into my chest. I held her there, stroking her sleek, silky hair while I told her it was going to be all right – whatever ? ®it' was. And honestly, I didn't care what it was just then. She was here, and she was safe, which was all that mattered. Dimitri hovered over us, alert and ready for any threat, his body coiled to attack. I felt safe with him beside us. A half hour later, we were crammed inside Lissa's dorm room with three other guardians, Ms. Kirova, and the hall matron. This was the first time I'd seen Lissa's room. Natalie had indeed managed to get her as a roommate, and the two sides of the room were a study in contrasts. Natalie's looked lived in, with pictures on the wall and a frilly bedspread that wasn't dorm-issue. Lissa had as few possessions as I did, making her half noticeably bare. She did have one picture taped to the wall, a picture taken from last Halloween, when we'd dressed up like fairies, complete with wings and glittery makeup. Seeing that picture and remembering how things used to be made a dull pain form in my chest. With all the excitement, no one seemed to remember that I wasn't supposed to be in there. Outside in the hall, other Moroi girls crowded together, trying to figure out what was going on. Natalie pushed her way through them, wondering what the commotion in her room was. When she discovered it, she came to a screeching halt. Shock and disgust showed on almost everyone's faces as we stared at Lissa's bed. There was a fox on the pillow. Its coat was reddish-orange, tinged in white. It looked so soft and cuddly that it could have been a pet, perhaps a cat, something you'd hold in your arms and snuggle with. Aside from the fact that its throat had been slit. The inside of the throat looked pink and jellylike. Blood stained that soft coat and had run down onto the yellow bedspread, forming a dark pool that spread across the fabric. The fox's eyes stared upward, glazed, over with a sort of shocked look about them, like the fox couldn't believe this was happening. Nausea built up in my stomach, but I forced myself to keep looking. I couldn't afford to be squeamish. I'd be killing Strigoi someday. If I couldn't handle a fox, I'd never survive major kills. What had happened to the fox was sick and twisted, obviously done by someone too fucked up for words. Lissa stared at it, her face death-pale, and took a few steps toward it, hand involuntarily reaching out. This gross act hit her hard, I knew, digging at her love of animals. She loved them, they loved her. While on our own, she'd often begged me for a pet, but I'd always refused and reminded her we couldn't take care of one when we might have to flee at a moment's notice. Plus, they hated me. So she'd contented herself with helping and patching up strays she found and making friends with other people's pets, like Oscar the cat. She couldn't patch this fox up, though. There was no coming back for it, but I saw in her face she wanted to help it, like she helped everything. I took her hand and steered her away, suddenly recalling a conversation from two years ago. â€Å"What is that? Is it a crow?†â€Å"Too big. It's a raven.†â€Å"Is it dead?†â€Å"Yeah. Definitely dead. Don't touch it.†She hadn't listened to me back then. I hoped she would now. â€Å"It was still alive when I got back,†Lissa whispered to me, clutching my arm. â€Å"Barely. Oh God, it was twitching. It must have suffered so much.†I felt bile rise in my throat now. Under no circumstances would I throw up. â€Å"Did you – ?†â€Å"No. I wanted to? I started to? †â€Å"Then forget about it,†I said sharply. â€Å"It's stupid. Somebody's stupid joke. They'll clean it up. Probably even give you a new room if you want.†She turned to me, eyes almost wild. â€Å"Rose? do you remember? that one time? †â€Å"Stop it,†I said. â€Å"Forget about it. This isn't the same thing.†â€Å"What if someone saw? What if someone knows †I tightened my grip on her arm, digging my nails in to get her attention. She flinched. â€Å"No. It's not the same. It has nothing to do with that. Do you hear me?†I could feel both Natalie and Dimitri's eyes on us. â€Å"It's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay.†Not looking like she believed me at all, Lissa nodded. â€Å"Get this cleaned up,†Kirova snapped to the matron. â€Å"And find out if anyone saw anything.†Someone finally realized I was there and ordered Dimitri to take me away, no matter how much I begged them to let me stay with Lissa. He walked me back to the novices' dorm. He didn't speak until we were almost there. â€Å"You know something. Something about what happened. Is this what you meant when you told Headmistress Kirova that Lissa was in danger?†â€Å"I don't know anything. It's just some sick joke.†â€Å"Do you have any idea who'd do it? Or why?†I considered this. Before we'd left, it could have been any number of people. That was the way it was when you were popular. People loved you, people hated you. But now? Lissa had faded off to a certain extent. The only person who really and truly despised her was Mia, but Mia seemed to fight her battles with words, not actions. And even if she did decide to do something more aggressive, why do this? She didn't seem like the type. There were a million other ways to get back at a person. â€Å"No,†I told him. â€Å"No clue.†â€Å"Rose, if you know something, tell me. We're on the same side. We both want to protect her. This is serious.†I spun around, taking my anger over the fox out on him. â€Å"Yeah, it is serious. It's all serious. And you have me doing laps every day when I should be learning to fight and defend her! If you want to help her, then teach me something! Teach me how to fight. I already know how to run away.†I didn't realize until that moment how badly I did want to learn, how I wanted to prove myself to him, to Lissa, and to everyone else. The fox incident had made me feel powerless, and I didn't like that. I wanted to do something, anything. Dimitri watched my outburst calmly, with no change in his expression. When I finished, he simply beckoned me forward like I hadn't said anything. â€Å"Come on. You're late for practice.â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Feminism in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay
A feminist perspective began to exist during the time when women were not given much right to be heard. With the determination to fight for their right to be heard, women used literature as their means of exposing their true feelings and desire to be equal among men (â€Å"Feminist Perspective on Eighteenth Century Literature†, n. d. ). Jane Austen is one of the many female authors during their time that showed her feministic point of view especially in her work Pride and Prejudice. Feminism in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice showed how women at early times were repressed by the expectation of society and how women fought for their right to be respected and treated the same as their male counterparts. Austen’s feminism influence was shown in her work Pride and Prejudice by making the characters themselves stand up for women (â€Å"Pride and Prejudice  notes on education, marriage, status of women, etc. †, n. d. ). In the movie version of the novel, the dialogue between Lady Catherine and Elizabeth revealed how Elizabeth stood up for herself and her right to be respected. This is shown in Elizabeth’s line: â€Å"I will not and I certainly never shall. You have insulted me in every possible way, and can now have nothing further to say†(â€Å"Memorable Quotes from Pride and Prejudice†, 2005). Here, Austen made Elizabeth’s character stand up for her right to be respected as a person. This is what most feminists discuss, i. e. , the right of women to fight and demand respect from other people, and Austen showed that in Elizabeth’s character. Austen also revealed a sense of feministic view in her work by showing how limited options are for women (â€Å"Pride and Prejudice  notes on education, marriage, status of women, etc. â€Å", n. d. ). Austen did not only reveal this issue by using other female characters in the story. In the movie version of the novel, this issue could be clearly seen through the character of Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth’s best friend as revealed in one of her lines: â€Å"Oh hush! Not all of us can afford to be romantic. I’ve been offered a comfortable home and protection. There’s a lot to be thankful for†(â€Å"Memorable Quotes from Pride and Prejudice†, 2005). In this line, Charlotte clearly suggests that not all women can afford to follow what their heart truly desires, meaning women at that time could not afford to choose because of what society expects from them. This could also be seen in Charlotte’s line: â€Å"I’m twenty – seven years old, I’ve no money and no prospects. I’m already a burden to my parents and I’m frightened. So don’t you dare judge me Lizzie. Don’t you dare! †(â€Å"Memorable Quotes from Pride and Prejudice†, 2005). This line clearly states how Austen made Charlotte’s character show how hard it is for women having limited options. Austen showed through Charlotte’s character how women at that time were repressed because of how society’s expectation amongst women affected them. Aside from exposing the issue about women’s rights to be equal among men, Austen also revealed in her work how women are independent individuals that can make their own decisions. In the movie adaptation of the novel, Austen made use of the character of Elizabeth to show how a woman could go against the norms on decision making. This is revealed in her lines: â€Å"Mr. Collins, I cannot accept you. Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony. †This line from the movie adaptation reveals how Elizabeth rejects the marriage proposal of Mr. Collins, a clergy man newly ordained by Lady Catherine. Austen revealed in the character of Elizabeth how she believes that women should be able to make decisions on their own. Feminists not only discuss issues about how women are viewed during the previous times but also how women fought to be treated equal and to have the same opportunities as the men in society. Discussing the different issues and rights of women to be heard in a society dominated by male shows the influence of feminism in Jane Austen’s work Pride and Prejudice. References Feminist Perspective on Eighteenth Century Literature (n. d. ) 123helpme. Retrieved from http://www. 123helpme. com/preview. asp? id=34762 Memorable Quotes from Pride and Prejudice (2005). Retrieved from http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0414387/quotes Pride and Prejudice  notes on education, marriage, status of women, etc. (n. d. ) The Republic of Pemberly. Retrieved from http://www. pemberley. com/janeinfo/pptopic2. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
E-Book Launch! LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up 18 Expert LinkedIn Profile Tips
E-Book Launch! LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up 18 Expert LinkedIn Profile Tips Im pleased to announce that my e-book, LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up: 18 Expert LinkedIn Profile Tips, is now live! I am currently selling it for just $9.95 on my website (valued at $17). This e-book contains information that no other â€Å"LinkedIn expert†covers. I offer 17 strategic tips – from how to get your profile to the top of an Advanced Search, to how to create arrow bullets – AND I provide examples of how to write an effective profile, from your Headline to your Status Bar to your Summary Section and more. If you want to identify and strengthen any weak points in your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn Power Tune-Up is a must read. Follow this advice, and you will create a frequently visited and highly effective LinkedIn profile. I also offer in-depth LinkedIn Profile reviews for $95, which you can purchase through my LinkedIn Profile Review page. You get a FREE copy of the e-book with every review. Category:Archived ArticlesBy Brenda BernsteinMarch 2, 2010
Monday, November 4, 2019
Accounting Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Accounting - Thesis Example The accounting standard deals with the disclosure of important accounting rules followed in presenting and preparing financial statements. In the early years, this activity was recommendatory in nature. Throughout this period, this was recommended for utilization by business firms listed on a familiar stock exchange, and other huge industrial, commercial and business enterprises in the private and public sectors. This accounting standard is accounting for fixed assets. In various enterprises these assets are grouped into different groups, for instance buildings, land, plant and machinery, furniture and fittings, vehicles, goodwill, patents, trade marks and designs. â€Å"This Standard deals with accounting for government grants. Government grants are sometimes called by other names such as subsidies, cash incentives, duty drawbacks, etc†(Accounting Standard (AS) 12: Accounting for Government Grants 125). FASB Statements and Standards. ICAEW: Library & Information Service. 2012. Web. 08 February 2012. <
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Answers to Cases Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Answers to Cases - Case Study Example The armed force and militias systematically loot several minerals and raw materials including coltan from eastern part of Congo. They utilize this profit for their operation funding. Stakeholder Theory Approach This case study is all about the Coltan conflict in Congo. A particular business firm can address to the views or opinions of several stakeholders linked with a specific issue through stakeholder approach. Stakeholder theory approach helps an organization to manage and control several critical conflicts and issues. There are two kinds of stakeholders, such as non-market stakeholders and market stakeholders. This part of the report will discuss about the contribution of these two categories of stakeholders. In-Market Stakeholders In this specific case; employees, customers and suppliers are considered as the in-market stakeholders. Employees of an organization are considered as the important stakeholders of an organization. It is important for the organizations to maintain heal th and safety standards of the employees. However, this coltan conflict in Congo can force the employees to raise their voice against the management, but several regional and political conflicts are the major reason behind these issues. Customers are the other important stakeholders. High consumption volume and numbers measures the growth and profitability of an organization within this industry. Loot and smuggle of this coltan raw material by the Congo’s militias stopping the global electronic organizations to meet market demand. Supply chain system of Congo is very much complex due to internal regional conflicts of the country. Suppliers can be considered as other major stakeholder within an electronic industry. Local, regional and global traders are trying to maintain effective supply chain despite the impossible sourcing of coltan raw material. Non-Market Stakeholders With respect to the case, communities and government are considered as the non-market stakeholders. Commu nities like NGOs, group of electronic firms, electronic industry citizenship coalition collaboratively tried to develop conflict-free assessment programme to help the global organization to avail conflict free raw materials. On the other hand, role of government of Congo is not impressive since last four decades. They should review and control the conflicts during the starting phase through strict administrative action. However, government and several organizations are collaboratively trying to ban the conflict. Stakeholder Map Coltan conflict in Congo affected the global electronic supply chain. The country was suffering from several regional conflicts after Second World War. Coltan is a key raw material that is utilized in the manufacturing process of several electronic goods. Congo is the major sourcing country of coltan. Militias and armed force of Congo generally loot and smuggle this coltan and make huge profit. Government of the country failed to take strict actions against t hese issues. This conflict affected the supply chain and social life of the workers. Lack of machineries and poor workplace environment can result serious workplace hazard. Looking into these matters, government of Congo and several electronic
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