Monday, August 24, 2020
Assess the practical usefulness and the relevance of game theory in Essay - 2
Survey the handy value and the significance of game hypothesis considering the requesting suspicions behind the idea of the - Essay Example This hypothesis is otherwise called the intelligent choice hypothesis, as such being in an increasingly engaging way of the hypothesis as respects to its order of organization (Tieben 2012). Financial experts are the fundamental clients of game hypothesis in the foundation of results and assurance of results from explicit business thoughts. Likewise, the game hypothesis is additionally principal in different parts, for example, in political theory, in science, in rationale, just as, in brain science (Nicholson and Snyder 2012 pg. 345) The first thought and idea shrouded by game hypothesis in the beginning of its origin was the tending to of lose-lose situations. In these games, the increases of an individual or an individual were actually the equivalent overall deficits of different members in the recreation hypothesis. In any case; with the advancement of the cutting edge society and human advancement, the game hypothesis ideas grew further to consolidate and apply a wide scope of c onduct (Peters 2008 pg. 109). Actually, game hypothesis formed into an umbrella term to allude to or clarify the sensible side of the science choice. This incorporates the assortment of the two people just as the non-people engaged with the framework, for example, the PCs (McCain 2010 pg. 189) The cutting edge game hypothesis came about because of the possibility that respected the presence of blended procedure harmony, particularly in the two-man lose-lose situations, as demonstrated by John Newman. The first verification utilized by Newman in the improvement of the game hypothesis was the brouwer’s fixed-point hypothesis that consolidated consistent mapping into reduced raised sets that were normalized through the game hypothesis strategy just as the use of scientific financial matters (Hirschey 2008 pg. 208). All things considered, game hypothesis turned into a significant angle in the assurance of quantifiable propensities, just as, requirements that influence the credibi lity of dynamic, notwithstanding deciding the perfect measure of endeavors to place into a reenactment game so as to ensure adaptable outcomes for the organization. This additionally prompts viable creation and the executives of the organization particularly considering the perfect measures of assets important to include into the game, and as such increase the most extreme yield (McCain 2010 pg. 227). The game hypothesis works intimately with the Nash harmony. This is particularly as in the Nash balance comes around as the idea of game hypothesis that permits deduction of ideal results in the game. This considers the case whereby a game includes the absence of motivators in the players of a game, for example, an impetus to go astray from the first picked technique in the wake of considering the decision made by the rivals. In that capacity, an individual playing the game hypothesis can get almost no steady advantages from the evolving activities. This likewise expect the way that di fferent players stay at a steady situation with their procedures. Thusly, a game may have a different quantities of Nash harmony or none by any stretch of the imagination (Hirschey 2008 pg. 245). The Nash harmony is an idea that began from a creator known as John Nash, who joined this hypothesis into various orders, running in a wide scope of points of view, for example, the social nature to financial matters. The utilization of the Nash balance is exceptionally basic as it involves use of basic strategies by attempted all the players’
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My Hospice Volunteer Experience Essay -- Contribution to My Community S
My first experience with hospice was in a bad way and I asked the hospice nurture that first day, â€Å"How would you be able to do this each day?†I will always remember her answer, â€Å"Hospice isn't tied in with biting the dust, it’s about confirming life, helping individuals live their last days to the fullest.†During the following a while, I started to see how obvious her words were. Today, as a volunteer, those words reverberation in my psyche each time I’m going to meet another patient. I was so eager to get my first task; I had taken all the volunteer classes, tuned in to endless stories from different volunteers. I was prepared and energetic †¦until I got my task. Anna was a 92 years of age woman with colon malignant growth given just a couple of days to live. Anna was incapacitated and quiet. Mute†¦none of the tales I had heard at any point referenced their patients being quiet. A thousand inquiries rung a bell alongside a gentle fit of anxiety. How might I ever know what she required? Would I know the correct words? How might I give her help and friendship on the off chance that she couldn’t mention to me what she required? Would I be sufficient? I was an anxious wreck! Preparing to stroll into Anna’s hospice room, my nervousness level was heightening. Saying a speedy supplication, I requested that God assist me with finding the correct words to comfort Anna and her family. After thumping on her entryway, a youngster in her center 20’s addressed the entryway. Opening the entryway for me, she educated me Anna was her grandma and she might want me just to sit with her and that she would return after work. Also, she left. No become acquainted with you presentation here, formal, obvious certainty, genuine sort of young lady. Nobody would attack her space. In any case, I thought, I’m here to support Anna, ideally Julie will open up later. Turning my attenti... ...marginally. The infection appeared to relax its hold on her body with each stroke. I was celebrating when Anna’s head at long last laid on her pad, something that hadn’t occurred since I had arrived. When Julie restored her grandma was gently wheezing. The vibe of satisfaction and energy about Julie’s beforehand harsh face made my day and again my eyes welled with tears. The fence Julie had worked around her heart gradually crumbled as she watched the bond I had created with her â€Å"mom†. With a trembling voice, Julie uncovered the pressure and enthusiastic disturbance of watching this staggering ailment detain the main mother she had known. Chipping in for hospice has been one of the most satisfying things I have done. Each patient is extraordinary and now and again you’re only there to help the family, however every family is so thankful.
Friday, July 24, 2020
How People With PTSD Experience Emotions
How People With PTSD Experience Emotions PTSD Coping Print How People With PTSD Experience Emotions By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Updated on October 22, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children martin-dm / Getty Images People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may sometimes experience their emotions as unpleasant, unpredictable and uncontrollable. However, our emotions are necessary parts of our lives. They serve very important functions, and we wouldnt be able to get by each day without them. Do you know some of the very important functions that emotions play in our lives? The information that follows outline why emotions, even when uncomfortable, are critical. Emotions and Types of Emotional Responses Emotions Communicate Information to Other People Our emotions tell other people how we are feeling. For example, the expression of anger may tell someone that we should be left alone or anxiety and sadness may tell someone that we need help. As a result, its important that we feel our feelings rather than avoid upsetting emotions. Emotions Provide Us with Information Emotions give us information about our environment. For example, when we experience anxiety, we are given information that we may be in danger. When we experience anger, we might be provided with information that we do not have control or that someone has violated our rights in some way. Our emotions are our bodies way of communicating with us. Listen to what they have to say. Emotions Get Us Ready to Act Emotions allow us to respond quickly and motivate us to act in certain ways. Because our emotions provide us with information about our environment, they also guide us in acting in ways that are appropriate to the situation. When you sense danger or feel threatened, you may respond by leaving the situation. Avoidance might be called for in some cases, but its not always helpful or necessary. Emotions Deepen Our Experience of Life Life would be very boring without emotions. We need both our positive (happiness, excitement, joy) and negative (anger, anxiety, sadness) emotions. We may sometimes wish that we could get rid of all of our negative emotions; however, the experience of negative emotions is necessary to make positive emotions feel as exhilarating as they do. Increasing Your Awareness of Your Emotions Our emotions are necessary and important. However, the only way we can learn from our emotions is if we have awareness of them when they occur. Therefore, it can be important to learn ways of increasing your awareness of your emotions. The more aware you are of your emotions, the better able you will be in hearing what they have to say. Managing Your Emotions Now, just because emotions serve an important function does not mean that they arent stressful at times. Emotions, especially very intense ones, can be overwhelming. Therefore, it can be helpful to learn ways to bring down the intensity of emotions so you can better approach it and learn from it. There are a number of healthy ways of managing your emotions that can help make your emotions feel less unpredictable and uncontrollable. Even though emotions may sometimes feel unpleasant, they are all working for us in some way. By listening to our emotions, we can get some important information about our environment and ourselves. 6 Ways to Manage Intense Emotions in PTSD
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Guide to Socratic Ignorance
Socratic ignorance refers, paradoxically, to a kind of knowledge–a person’s frank acknowledgment of what they don’t know. It is captured by the well-known statement: â€Å"I know only one thing–that I know nothing.† Paradoxically, Socratic ignorance is also referred to as Socratic wisdom. Socratic Ignorance in Platos Dialogues This sort of humility regarding what one knows is associated with the Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 BCE) because he is portrayed displaying it in several of Plato’s dialogs. The clearest statement of it is in the Apology, the speech Socrates gave in his defense when he was prosecuted for corrupting the youth and impiety. Socrates recounts how his friend Chaerephon was told by the Delphic oracle that no human was wiser than Socrates. Socrates was incredulous since he didn’t consider himself wise. So he set about trying to find someone wiser than himself. He found plenty of people who were knowledgeable about specific matters such as how to make shoes, or how to pilot a ship. But he noticed that these people also thought that they were similarly expert about other matters too when they clearly were not. He eventually drew the conclusion that in one sense, at least, he was wiser than others in that he did not think he knew what he did not in fact know. In short, he was aware of his own ignorance. In several other of Plato’s dialogs, Socrates is shown confronting someone who thinks they understand something but who, when questioned rigorously about it, turns out not to understand it at all. Socrates, by contrast, admits from the outset that he does not know the answer to whatever question is being posed. In the Euthyphro, for instance, Euthyphro is asked to define piety. He makes five attempts, but Socrates shoots each one down. Euthyphro, however, does not admit that he is as ignorant as Socrates; he simply rushes off at the end of the dialog like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, leaving Socrates still unable to define piety (even though he is about to be tried for impiety). In the Meno, Socrates is asked by Meno if virtue can be taught and responds by saying that he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know what virtue is. Meno is astonished, but I turn out that he is unable to define the term satisfactorily. After three failed attempts, he complains that Socrates has benumbed his mind, rather as a stingray numbs its prey. He used to be able to speak eloquently about virtue, and now he can’t even say what it is. But in the next part of the dialog, Socrates shows how clearing one’s mind of false ideas, even if it leaves one in a state of self-confessed ignorance, is a valuable and even necessary step if one is to learn anything. He does this by showing how a slave boy can only solve a mathematical problem once he has recognized that the untested beliefs he already had were false. The Importance of Socratic Ignorance This episode in the Meno highlights the philosophical and historical importance of Socratic ignorance. Western philosophy and science only get going when people begin to question dogmatically help beliefs. The best way to do this is to start out with a skeptical attitude, assuming one is not certain about anything. This approach was most famously adopted by Descartes (1596-1651) in his Meditations. In actual fact, it is questionable how feasible it is to maintain an attitude of Socratic ignorance on all matters. Certainly, Socrates in the ​Apology doesn’t maintain this position consistently. He says, for instance, that he is perfectly certain that no real harm can befall a good man. And he is equally confident that â€Å"the unexamined life is not worth living.â€
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Social Workers And Social Work - 1529 Words
In the society we live in today, there are many problems people face whether it has to do with family, friends, jobs, stress, money, children, abuse or, etc. Although many people face issues in their daily lives sometimes these issues can be overwhelming and in these cases it is important to realize that there is help from people. Social workers are put in place by the government to provide help and assistance to those who need it and even those who may not accept it but are in need of it. There are many times a social worker will be seen as the bad guy but its hard to forget that they are just doing their job and actually are doing more good than bad. Social workers provide the help and services that most families and communities need but may not be able to access or may have other conflicts which prevent them from receiving help. Whether it be help by necessary force or by willfulness of the person or family that needs help, it can be assured that a social worker will be there to p rovide just that. Family and Children Services is what the agency I interviewed for works in, the social worker that I interviewed was Gurkiran Somal. She works for a social welfare agency called All Nations Coordinated Response Network, also known as ANCR. This agency is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Due to the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry, Child Welfare Initiative there was reformation of the Child Families Services. Now Winnipeg has 17 Aboriginal agencies and 2 General Authority agencies,Show MoreRelatedSocial Workers And Social Work Essay1165 Words  | 5 Pages In today`s society, social work as a profession has changed enormously over time. Many interviews, samples and surveys from individuals have been taken over the years about the perception of social workers. Earlier samples of surveys and interviews have shown that social work was not always a popular profession, but now social workers are popular publicly. The public as in people now has a better understanding of social work. Studies showed that numerous of people do not quite have a full understandingRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work1684 Words  | 7 Pages At the heart of social work most social workers consider their social work values as one of the most crucial principles of the social work profession (Higham 2006). The recent report of the social work taskforce sets out a vision of social work for a profession confident about its values, purpose and identity (Social Work Taskforce, 2009, pg61). Generally, the term value is viewed as particular beliefs or principles an i ndividual may hold deemed worthy or valuable (Banks,S, 2006). BASWA 2012 definesRead MoreSocial Workers And The Social Work Essay1706 Words  | 7 PagesSocial workers are caregivers, they provide assistance to people in need, and they address social problems. The social worker’s goal is the improvement of society to better the lives of individuals in need. The social work professional mission is to enhance the well-being of people and to assist them in meeting their basic needs, with particular emphasis on the needs of the poor, and the vulnerable individual. The Social Work profession has six core values. Social workers incorporate these core valuesRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work950 Words  | 4 Pages The social work profession is a profession that is created with educated professionals, social workers, which make important contributions to society by helping society’s most vulnerable individuals, families, and groups. Social workers assist vulnerable populations with enhancing their social functioning, meeting their needs, and solving problems. Social policies are a key component in the success of the social workers ability to help the vulnerable. â€Å"Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulationsRead MoreSocial Workers And Social Work1377 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Workers Issues We are the present. The future is our children. We all have some child(ren) in our lives whom we love dearly and would probably die for them. They are our future. Many of those children need help; mental, emotional, and physical help. If these children do not receive help, our future will be worse than the present is now. Social workers can help fix that. In the last paper, I addressed the issue of social status/work. The work status fluctuates greatly pending on the fieldRead MoreThe Social Work Of A Social Worker1585 Words  | 7 PagesAs a social worker, we are essentially given the opportunity to utilize our past and personal experiences, educational background, and diverse relationships to make a difference in countless people’s lives. Whether we choose to dedicate ourselves to practicing micro or macro social work, we can influence the outcomes of social policies, assist clients with obtaining basic necessities, or change a person’s thought processes by applyi ng psychosocial theories as necessary. However, we are obligatedRead MoreThe Social Work Of A Social Worker1551 Words  | 7 PagesUnder the social work profession, social workers embrace the principle of social justice and are committed to work toward achieving social change. In direct practice, social workers work with individuals living in poverty and subjected to all sorts of injustices. In social work, practitioners work in partnership with clients, when coming up with possible solutions to the presenting problems. It is important that in the process, social workers remain with a nonjudgmental attitude and look at howRead MoreSocial Work As A Social Worker1414 Words  | 6 PagesWhat makes social work idiosyncratic unlike the rest is the willingness and passion to promote human well-being. I yearn and hunger to see growth of what is already innate. That is the reason psychology became my undeclared major. My ignorance of the social work role did create misconceptions and fears. I knew I had to be in some helping profession. I was not sure if I would do so through occupational therapy, psychology, teaching, or social work. I wanted to be a social worker, but I wasRead MoreSocial Worker And Social Work Essay1076 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinition of what social work is. My view of social work was based off of movies that portrayed social workers as individuals who only worked with children. In these movies, the social worker was known as the Child Protective Agent and was called in when a child or children were being mistreated. After taking this course, I now know that my idea of a social worker, although right, was only the tip of an iceberg. The social worker does not only work with children, they work within a large social system thatRead MoreSocial Work : A Social Worker1033 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome a social worker. Social work is a professional and academic discipline that works to improve the quality of life and enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families, couples, groups, and communities. Heather Holland is a Social Worker at Uniontown Hospital who has over 12 years’ experience in the field. She explains that a typical day on the job is far from easy. â€Å"Days in this career are crazy, busy, and mostly, undetermined†Holland explains of her days on the job. Social work is a very
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Awakening Free Essays
The Awakening Free Essays In her novel, The Awakening, Kate Chopin depicts a woman much like herself. In the novel, the reader finds Edna Pointillism, a young wife and mother who, like Chopin, struggles with her role in society. The Victorian era woman was expected to fill a domestic role. We will write a custom essay sample on The Awakening or any similar topic only for you Order Now This role requires them to provide their husbands with a clean home, food on the table and to raise their children. They were pieces of property to their husbands, who cared more about their wives’ appearance than their feelings. Edna initially attempts to conform to these roles, her eyes are gradually opened to capabilities of liberation. Throughout the novel, many aspects to Dean’s awakening are revealed. Dean’s emotional awakening and change in perspective on romance lead to Dean’s final awakening and her death. Edna begins an emotional awakening when she hears Mademoiselle Raise play the piano. Edna was, â€Å"very fond of music†and musical renditions, sometimes, â€Å"evoked pictures in her mind. †Hearing Adele Rotational play, Dean’s imagines a â€Å"figure of a man. †His countenance was one of â€Å"hopeless resignation. †Here the music internally affects Edna only with feelings of loneliness. Also, Edna pictures a man instead of a woman, which might suggest that early in the novel, Dean’s life is controlled by men. This control effects even her inner thoughts and emotions. Comparatively, when Mademoiselle Raise plays the first chord a â€Å"keen tremor†goes down Dean’s spinal column. Edna has heard other piano artist play. This time, hearing Raise play was perhaps the first time â€Å"her being was tempered to take an impress of the abiding truth. †Edna waits for the inevitable lonely images in her mind, but they do not appear. Instead, â€Å"passions themselves were aroused within her soul. †Edna, â€Å"trembles†¦ Ekes†¦ And the tears blinded her. Such is the physical reaction Edna has to the music. This physical reaction is described in sexual language, which shows that Mademoiselle Resizes music has awakened Edna to the possibility of sexual passion as well as emotional expression. This is the beginning of Dean’s awakening where she allows herself to fully feel and express her emotions. This emotional awakening leads to another major part of Dean’s awakening, which is her more liberated view of romance and sexuality. When Edna was a young girl, she had crazy, wild crushes, real or imagined, on the young en in her community. Her marriage to Leonie Pointillism was one of traditional convenience. Edna married Leonie in rebellion against her father, who objected to her marrying a Catholic. Edna showed her natural inclination to rebel against authority but still married into a traditional Victorian role. Dean’s relationship with Leonie was traditional and boring with â€Å"no trace of passion. †However, when Edna became acquainted with Robert on Grand Isle, she was awakened by Roberts attention and flirtatious attitude. Roberts flirtations introduce a new possibility to Edna, giving her the confidence she needed to embrace her own identity. While Dean’s relationship with Robert remains non-sexual, when she meets Alice Robin her sexual awakening is completed. Allele’s kiss is â€Å"the first †¦ Of her life to which her nature had really responded. It was a flaming torch that kindled desire. †Afterward Edna feels, â€Å"as if a mist had been lifted from her eyes’†¦. â€Å"Allowing her to, â€Å"comprehend the significance of life. †The traditional restrictions of Dean’s marriage to Leonie stifled her natural passion and required her to hide her desire for romance. With Alice, Dean’s romantic passion is liberated. She does not have to feel ashamed of that part of herself. This sexual liberation awakens in her a passion for life that she has not experienced before. Dean’s final awakening occurs when she realizes she has created a liberated world for herself, but has no one with whom to share it. Robert, the one person that seems to understand Edna, has left because he understood the consequences of her actions. Dean’s ultimate liberation traps her into a corner where she must choose to carry on with her independent, yet isolated life, or o back to the traditional Victorian wife and mother she was. Now that her awakening has occurred, there is no way she will go back to her previous â€Å"dual life†. However, she lacks the courage to face the new life she has created for herself. She decides to save her independence at the cost of a life that would have been spent in slumber. She does this by giving herself to the free and passionate Gulf. Dean’s suicide completes the message Kate Chopin was attempting to convey, women who try to liberate themselves, as they have every right to do, are ultimately defeated by society restrictions. In the last pages of the novel, the reader is assured of Dean’s weakness by the reappearing of the image of the exhausted bird falling into the water. Although, Edna awakened to the possibility of a liberated life, in the end, society weakens her, preventing Edna from pursuing her desires. Dean’s seemingly reckless abandon of her former unsatisfying life does not produce the desired results and the consequences for Edna are obvious. Throughout the novel, Edna experiences several awakenings; the most important are her emotional awakening and her resulting sexual liberation. Although these awakenings make Edna realize the excitement of living and give her the confidence to choose her own lifestyle, in the end, Victorian society prevents her from maintaining her new life. Because she is alone in her pursuit of female liberation, she is left alone. She cannot stand her lonely isolation, but also knows she cannot return to her former life. She refuses to give in to the demands of her world and gives herself to the freedom of the sea. How to cite The Awakening, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Emperor Double Review Essay Example
The Emperor Double Review Paper Essay on The Emperor Double In the network, I often see a devastating performance at Alex Orlov. In what only did not blame the troubles of this author. Read this book, and thats what I thought. The analogy of books and their contents with the meal. There is a pizza a simple cake with a simple set of products, but they are so incredibly mixed in the process of roasting (real pizza is the one that was baked in the oven!), It is impossible to break away. This stretches the cheese mozzarella dripping olive oil and lots of kinds of pizza, where everyone will find their favorite (there are books). Still there is a steak, a huge Shmat throws meat on a hot frying pan, sizzle, oil all over the kitchen, but the wonderful aroma will make you forget about such trifles as the kitchen cleaning. Rumbling in the stomach will make you rush and nervous, but a little patience, and youll get sochneshy steak, followed by a slice of lemon to squeeze on meat (ketchup? Yes you are a barbarian!), And enjoy the taste (there are books). Even eat oysters. When you see in front of a dish of oysters, even in the head could not come that these nasty-looking, smelling slime and consistency resembling sn ot shellfish may have so delicate and spicy taste (such books are also available). And there is a hamburger. A simple hamburger. Which snapped up, greedily devours, crunches and potatoes washed down with all its cola sated burps We will write a custom essay sample on The Emperor Double Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Emperor Double Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Emperor Double Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is the book Orlov is just a hamburger.. Bold, simple, harmful, but so subtly delicious and addictive, that hardly stop, eating a couple. And what actually waiting for gourmets / criticism on this product? What that thin aftertaste, flavor nuances, nicely decorated, pleasant fragrance? What for? This is not the genre. This is fast food / fantasy thriller, everything is happening here and now, no hesitation or mental anguish. I understand that the combat fiction is different from the violent Worlds Korolev Bessonova, to dull and full of stamps Helmsman Baldwin. But again, what do you expect? If you are already a foodie / lover, then why you eat / read completely foreign to your genre? But Orlov is good, very good. One of the best (in my opinion) in the segment. In Orlova your style (and yet sadly it is not at all). Books are full of quite a barracks humor (better quality than some of the joker-writers) and completely kretinskih situations and dialogues. But is it bad? The main objective of such books is to entertain and inspire. And with this task Orlov cope. And by supporting the truth and the truth, honestly, already nauseated. Orlova Books are full of innuendo, much is not explained. As the 14 year-old boy suddenly become a financial genius who is behind enemy who opposes an ally of the enemy, where, how, why, when? Oh well, in life, too, not everything is known. And American names, the author explains their impersonality (Tony, Jack, Eddie, Nick). However, comrades and kamradessy, do not get me wrong. Books Orlov is not stupid mochilovo. Universes are well established. Very charismatic characters. A narrative dynamic. Very interesting parallel stories. The twin Emperor a lot of them. The main line of rapidly rising tycoon Schiller, then the Emperors line of nearby star cluster, and a wonderful, worthy of a book, beginner line mercenary Lev. And 7-8 parallel stories unfolding participants in the war. With the habit can be confusing. Very good and elaboration techniques Orlov, no mega-fighters destroy entire fleets. All strictly according to rank a fighter-attack aircraft bomber-destroyer, cruiser-battleship. Fly is not somehow, and strictly according to the formations, and tactics paid a lot. And most importantly attention to detail We are pleased to read all the books Orlova, and my nickname is taken from one of the characters of the book.. I look forward to the next book of the author. A gourmet? What gourmets? Do not eat, is harmful to health.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Forgiveness and God Essays
Forgiveness and God Essays Forgiveness and God Essay Forgiveness and God Essay Forgiveness. It is a part of our daily routine. Something we frequently give and take but do we truly understand its meaning? According to Encarta Dictionary, to forgive mearns to stop being angry about something, to pardon someone from their mistakes, to cancel an obligation or offense such as a debt. According to primary sstudents, Forgiveness mearns not taking revenge. Forgiveness mearns being friends again. Forgiveness, for me, is the best gift we can give and receive. Not only it is free but we also honour God when we do so. The greatest act of forgiveness is the forgiveness God gives to us, inners. : Gods forgiveness is priceless. Jesus Christ already died on the cross to save us. Redemption. And he gives it freely. All we have to do is ask. It is said in Romans 3:23-24 All of us have sinned and fall short, yet God declares us not guilty If we trust in Jesus Christ, who in mercy FREELY takes away our sins. Freely, he is not asking for any payment. We Just really have to confess and ask for forgiveness. And when we have asked for it, he gives it to us instantly. Isaiah 55:7 proves this, God is merciful and is quick to forgive. The moment we ask or forgiveness, we are automatically forgiven. No need to wait a long and dreadful time for his forgiveness. A little boy had Just been tucked into bed by his mother, who was waiting to hear his prayer. But the little boy had been naughty that day, and now it was bothering him. He asked his mother if she could leave so he could pray by himself. The mother, sensing that something was wrong, she asked, Bobby? Is there something you ought to tell me? No mommy. He replied. miou would Just scold at me, but God will forgive me and he will forget about it. He will forgive and he will orget. Clean slate. He wouldnt use our sins and mistakes against us. It is completely forgotten, like it never happened. All our sins erased. We, as humans, we cant help but sin. It is inevitable and we do it over and over and over again. The good news is, God is a forgiving God. He forgives rrepeatedly. He never runs out of 2nd chances. No matter how many times we sin against Him, he never stops forgiving. He never grows tired or impatient with us. Now that we have learned of Gods forgiveness, let us apply it in practical living by Forgiving Others. Lets face it, when we are the ones inning or when we have hurt others, we sometimes expect them to forgive us instantly. We sometimes even get mad when they dont but when someone has wronged us, we find it real hard to forgive them. We hold grudges against them and sometimes, we even plan revenge. But why should we forgive? The reason is very simple: Because the Lord commanded it. Paul says in Colossians 3:13 Make allowance for each others faults and forgive anyone who offended you. Remember, the Lord forgives you, so you must forgive others. In a simpler version, he says, Forgive as the Lord Forgave you. Like the Lord orgave us, Freely, Completely, Instantly and rrepeatedly. IVe heard some people say, Forgiveness is earned. Well then, if that statement is true, then none of us should be forgiven. We do not deserve His forgiveness yet He has given it to us. Lets think about this, if Jesus Christ who is prefect, completely sinless, is willing to forgive us, who keep sinning over an d over again, then doesnt it make more sense that we snou10 Torglve tnose wno nave wronged us, SINNERS Just like us? Anotner reason why we should forgive is because when we do not forgive others, we are planting itterness and hatred in our hearts. Bitterness and unforgiveness set their hooks up deep in our hearts; they are chains that hold us captive to the wounds. Until we forgive, we remain their prisoner. Bitterness ruins our life. It is a poison that damages us. It damages our relationship with others and mostly it damages our relationship with God. Our unwillingness to forgive separates us from God. I remember hearing about a Christian couple who lost their daughter in the 9/1 1 attack. They were visiting the site of the crash, ground zero. When a reporter came p to them and chatted with them. They told the reporter what had happened they mentioned that they were Christians. So the reporter, upon hearing that they were Christians said, So Im sure that on Sunday, when you go to church, you will pray about it and you will leave it in the hands of God. The mother said, No, we wont be going to church anytime soon. Why? The reporter wondered. The mother replied, Because we are not yet ready to forgive. We still cannot accept what happened. We are not blaming God but were Just not yet ready. Their unwillingness to forgive tains their relationship with God. It hinders from to talk to God completely because they know that Lord commanded us to forgive. An offense against your neighbour builds a fence between you and God Theres a lot of confusion about forgiveness. People know they should, and they try and try but they eventually give up, because its too hard its impossible. But often thats because they dont understand how to do it. People focus on trying to change something they have no direct control over. They focus on what they feel and we cant directly change those. But what we can do is focus on changing what is under our control. Granting them our forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling. Dont try to feel forgiving before you forgive. Forgiveness is an act of will. Neil Anderson wrote, Dont wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving. You will never get there. Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made. Forgiveness is not amnesia which erases the past instead it is the experience of healing that draws the poison out. It is not saying, It didnt really matter or, that its fine. Forgiveness says, It is wrong. Very wrong. It mattered, it hurt me deeply. And Im releasing it. Im letting it go. You may recall that pain but you will no longer relive it.. We acknowledge that it hurt, that it mattered, but we choose to extend our forgiveness. The surest test of maturity is to forgive. Is it hard to forgive a person who has offended us? When we look to Jesus as our example, how are we doing? The more we become like Him, the easier it will be to forgive others. When it seems we cant forgive, let us remember how much weve been forgiven.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
A Guide to Internal Punctuation
A Guide to Internal Punctuation A Guide to Internal Punctuation A Guide to Internal Punctuation By Mark Nichol This post outlines the functions of punctuation marks employed within a sentence: the comma, the semicolon, the colon, and ellipses. Comma A comma performs a number of functions, including setting off elements of a list (â€Å"I’m going to order soup, salad, and an entrà ©e†) combining with a conjunction to separate two independent clauses (â€Å"She ordered dinner, but she declined the dessert menu†) separating a preceding dependent clause from the main clause (â€Å"Depending on the size of the entrà ©e, I might not order dessert†) separating a nonrestrictive relative clause from the main clause (â€Å"We were overwhelmed by the menu, which was six pages long†) setting off an adverb from the main clause (â€Å"Ordinarily, I would not order dessert†; â€Å"I would, ordinarily, not order dessert†; â€Å"I would not order dessert, ordinarily†) framing parenthetical phrases (â€Å"I will, just this once, order dessert†) setting off an appositive (â€Å"My favorite dessert, cheesecake, is missing from the menu†) setting off coordinate adjectives (â€Å"I feel like having a big, thick slice of cheesecake for dessert†) setting off an attribution from a quotation (â€Å"My friend said, ‘I’m going to order dessert’†) setting off one or more words identifying the subject of direct address (â€Å"John, are you going to order dessert?†) setting off a date from a year and parenthesizing the year (â€Å"January 1, 2018, dawned just like any other day†) setting off a city name from a state or country name and parenthesizing the state or country name (â€Å"Lebanon, Kansas, is the geographic center of the contiguous United States†) setting off a surname from a given name when the first-name, last-name order is inverted (â€Å"She is listed as ‘Doe, Jane’†) indicating ellipsis of one or more words (â€Å"Everything was as I remembered it- the church was white, the barn, red†). A comma should not separate a subject and a verb (as in the erroneous sentence â€Å"The tiramisu, is sublime†) except when it is closing a parenthetical phrase (â€Å"The tiramisu, as expected, is sublime†) or setting off repetition of a verb (â€Å"What it is, is sublime†). Likewise, a verb and its direct object should not be split asunder (as shown in the incorrectly punctuated sentence â€Å"She intuitively grasped, that she was in trouble.†) Another error that involves a comma is a comma splice, in which a comma, rather than a stronger punctuation mark such as a semicolon or a dash, appears between two independent clauses not separated by a conjunction, as in â€Å"You see a half-empty glass, I see a half-full one.†(An exception can be made for brief declarations, as in Julius Caesar’s famous summary â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered.†) Semicolon The semicolon has two primary functions. First, it unites two closely related independent clauses, as in â€Å"You see a half-empty glass; I see a half-full one.†(In such cases, it takes the place of a period or a conjunction; including both a semicolon and a conjunction is an error.) Second, it replaces two or more commas in an in-line list (a list with a sentence) when one or more of the list items itself includes commas, as in â€Å"The names, as listed, are Doe, Jane; Jones, William; and Smith, John†or â€Å"I spotted many squirrels; several deer; and a hawk, an osprey, and a heron.†(If the list organization is obvious, as when list items begin with distinct verbs, commas may be employed, as in â€Å"She shopped at the supermarket, visited the bank and the credit union, and ran errands at the hardware store, the drugstore, and the dry cleaner’s.†) Earlier usage included setting off coordinate clauses in complex sentences or to otherwise signal a more pronounced pause than a comma would suggest, but these approaches, especially the former, are outdated. In quoted material, a semicolon always follows a close quotation mark. Also, the mark may seem too formal in the midst of a sentence in quotation marks; a dash more clearly conveys a transition to a separate assertion or idea, as in â€Å"Mary said, ‘Don’t go in the abandoned house- it’s not safe in there’†rather than â€Å"Mary said, ‘Don’t go in the abandoned house; it’s not safe in there.’†Colon A colon precedes quoted material set up by a complete statement rather than an attribution (â€Å"His reply was succinct: ‘Not a chance’†) an explanation (â€Å"We declined the invitation primarily for one reason: He insists on driving, and we don’t feel safe as his passengers†) a list (â€Å"The meal consists of the following courses: appetizer, salad, entrà ©e, and dessert†). It is also employed between pairs of numbers to represent ratios (â€Å"The results indicate a 5:3 ratio†) in references to time (â€Å"The next train is at 1:35†) in numerical representations of elapsed time (â€Å"The record stands at 3:26.00†) when citing biblical verses (â€Å"John 3:16 expresses the same sentiment†). A colon also separates a book’s title and subtitle or, in bibliographies, the city where a publisher is located and the name of the publisher. In formal writing, it follows the salutation. A colon always follows a close quotation mark. Ellipses Ellipsis means omission, but it primarily refers to a succession of three periods, called ellipses, usually interspersed with letter spaces, or a single symbol representing three periods. Style guides differ in which form is preferred, but the ellipsis symbol looks cramped, and use of ellipses (a series of periods) is more visually pleasing. Ellipses represent omission of one or more words in the middle of a sentence (â€Å"A friend . . . knows all about you and still loves you†); generally, they are unnecessary when omitting what precedes a partial quotation. The use of ellipses as terminal punctuation will be discussed in a separate post. Dash Uses of the dash are detailed in this post. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before Words"Confused With" and "Confused About"10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Hydropower Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Hydropower - Essay Example This paper also deals with the uses of hydropower as the renewable energy resources in the environment. Hydropower is also known as waterpower. In simple words, it refers to the power of electricity produced from water currents. Hydropower energy thus involves hydroelectric dams as well as reservoirs, underground waterways and tidal plants among others. Hydropower is widely considered as more efficient, as compared to other energy sources, as it helps in decreasing the cost of electricity and increasing the reliability as well as flexibility of energy produced. Hydropower is however noted to be a costly method for the production of energy (7). It is worth mentioning in this context that energy is required for the progress of mankind and therefore, energy must be available in sufficient quantities along with affordable prices for the consumers, which the hydropower plants often fail to suffice. New and advanced technologies are also required for the availability of hydropower energy as well as for the safety of the environment. However, besides the fact that hydropower is regarded as a cost consuming energy production source, it is also perceived to impose strong negative affects to the environment, especially when concerning marine biological lifecycle (7). Nevertheless, one of the benefits of hydropower is its superior ability for fossil-fuel generation. Hydropower is also considered to protect from greenhouse gas emission at large quantities. It has often been argued that the developed hydropower will have the potential of making large contributions towards improvements in the living standard of developing countries, making energy available at cheaper rates. Compulsions of the recent era to suffice rising global demand, resulting in higher costs for fuel base energy sources have further led mankind to innovate new sources of energy, one of those being the water source, which has however been in use since traditional times (8). A few noteworthy
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Green Supply Chain Management. 2250 words Essay
Green Supply Chain Management. 2250 words - Essay Example Baojuan also called the same as Environmentally Conscious Supply Chain Management which meant the use of new means to biologically design â€Å"raw materials purchasing, manufacture organizing, distributing and supplying, consuming, and recycling†(2009:122). Green supply chain is a growing trend among companies worldwide as part of their customer responsibility effort to weave environmentally sound practice into their business operations (Barnett 2011). There are several issues that the green supply chain aims to deal with. The most obvious issue is environmental concern where companies are reducing their carbon footprint to the effect of mitigating pollution with the ultimate objective of keeping carbon emission within the regenerative capacity of ecosphere. This is aligned in the consideration of the growing number of customers who are now conscious of the environmental practice of business enterprise coupled with the benefit that effective green supply chain management can in fact increase operational efficiency and reduce operational cost that made green supply chain a business imperative (Zhu 2012). 2. Compare the differences between the traditional supply chain and the green supply chain. ... It could also add value in the process by creating the competitive infrastructure such as monitoring supply chain activities with the aim of creating net value for the company. This would also include leveraging the worldwide logistics, matching anticipated demand with supply monitoring the same. It is also in the supply chain that involves specific functions in an organization such as customer support and after sales services. The traditional supply chain falls into two categories which are internal supply chain and external supply chain. The internal chain involves activities within the organization which includes the production and distribution process involved in the purchasing department, production department, warehousing, sales network composed of supply and demand. The external supply chain on the other hand relates to activities without the organization that includes procurement of raw materials from the suppliers â€Å"manufacturers, storage, transportation, retailers and, ultimately, the network of supply and demand of consumers. It consists of two streams: upstream and downstream†(Lai et al 2012:113). These activities can be summed up in the figure below. Figure 1. Traditional Supply Chain ( Green supply chain The green supply chain is the integration of a company’s effort to make its traditional supply chain â€Å"green†or environmentally friendly including all the processes in the company. These activities would include the previously mentioned â€Å"product design, purchases, product design, purchasing, manufacturing processes and the delivery of ?nal product to end customers (Lai et al 2012:113). The biggest difference in green supply chain from the traditional supply chain would be the inclusion of
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Portrayal of Women in James Joyces Dubliners Essays -- Dubliners
In Dubliners, women are victims indeed. They are victims of home, of the recognized virtues by society, of classes of life, of religious doctrines, and of women themselves. In this essay, we are going to analyze the portrayal of women in Dubliners in terms of the aforementioned aspects, namely home, the recognized virtues by society, classes of life, religious doctrines and women themselves. The selection above is provided to make student aware of focus of the essay. The complete essay begins below. "My mind rejects the whole present social order and Christianity – home, the recognized virtues, classes of life, and religious doctrines†¦. My mother was slowly killed, I think, by my father’s ill-treatment, by years of trouble, and by my cynical frankness of conduct. When I looked on her face as she lay in her coffin – a face gray and wasted with cancer – I understood that I was looking on the face of a victim and I cursed the system which had made her a victim." (Letters, II, 48) In Dubliners, women are victims indeed. They are victims of home, of the recognized virtues by society, of classes of life, of religious doctrines, and of women themselves. In this essay, we are going to analyze the portrayal of women in Dubliners in terms of the aforementioned aspects, namely home, the recognized virtues by society, classes of life, religious doctrines and women themselves. Women are victims of home. They suffer being confined to their homes. They are somehow isolated from the external world. They have little, if not no at all, freedom. Their chief roles are to be good wives to the menfolk, to be good mothers to their children, and to look after their families well. They are not expected to take care of those affairs out... ... by masculine authority by virtue of the fact that they are inferior to and should be subservient to men. Worse still, women are often discriminated by society, which is largely monopolized by men. Sex discriminations find their way to home, the workplace and even the public life by and large. Furthermore, they are victimized by religious orthodoxy as well as their own acts and psychology. But anyway, who is to blame for the sufferings of women – the circumstance or women themselves? Works Cited: Benstock, Bernard. Critical Essays on James Joyce. G.K. Hall & Co. Boston, Massachusetts: 1985. Joyce, James. Dubliners. Washington Square Press. New York, New York: 1998. Selected Joyce Letters. Ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Compass, 1975. Seidel, Michael. James Joyce: A Short Introduction. Blackwell Publishers, Inc. Oxford, UK: 2002.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Obama and Clinton Health Care Reform
Some differences between the two president's halt insurance reform policies are no government involvement, how to pay for the reform, alphabetic reform, and there was a faster effort to get the bill from President Obama passed where President Silicon's bill took over a year just drafting the bill. Steps to creating policy Recognizing the problem The government cannot prevent many problems from happening but they can help by recognizing the problems that follow a specific problem and create laws to help citizens. Setting an agenda The agenda will depend on the problem and the parties recognizing the problem.Once special interests groups, the media, and political parties start espousing to an issue then the agenda is set for what needs to be dealt with. Formulation This stage happens when all the parties bring their ideas to the table and decisions are made about what ideas will move forward. Adopting Once the ideas that are chosen are finalized the policy can be adopted and a law can be passed. The law must be sign by the president or can happen when the Supreme Court makes a ruling on case. Implementing Public policies can be implemented by administrative agencies in the executive branch.Implementation can be through tax breaks, some form Of enmeshment through fines or restrictions, or by appealing to people's positive instincts to be helpful and do their duty as a citizen. Evaluation Policies are continually evaluated for changes that need to be made. Succeed or F-ail President Obama succeed from the mistakes and previous errors made by President Clinton. President Clinton failed. Stakeholders The stakeholders in the attempts at health care reform are the consumers, the insurance companies, and the health care industry as a whole, legislators, President Clinton and President Obama.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Antipsychotics and Yoga Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment...
Antipsychotic Medications and Yoga Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Schizophrenia Sarah Garrabrant University of South Florida Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe form of mental illness classified in the DSM IV-TR as a Psychotic disorder. It is characterize by broad impairments in cognition that place limitations on recovery (Eack, 2012, p. 235). Antipsychotic drugs are the first line of treatment for Schizophrenic patients, but come with adverse side-effects and many patients are treatment-resistant (Tandon, Nasrallahb, amp; Keshavanc, 2010). Adjunct treatments that focus on cognition and coping with stress, along with the antipsychotics have shown to be more effective (Sungur, Soyguur, Guuner, Uustuun, Cetin, amp;†¦show more content†¦Typical antipsychotic drugs occupy around 70-90% of D2 receptors at a common dosage (Kleinman, Casanova, amp; Jaskiw, 1988). Due to side effects and the nature of the illness, some patients do not keep continuous use of anti psychotic treatment. It has been found that patients with light use of antipsychotics were more likely to be hospitalized than continuous users. The average duration of anti-psychotic use was six months in any single year and compared to individuals with a continuous pattern of anti psychotic treatment, individuals with moderate or light use had odds for hospitalization, 52 or 72% greater (DosReis, Johnson, Steinwachs, Rohde, Skinner, Fahey, amp; Lehman, 2008). First generation and Second-generation antipsychotics Researchers wanted to know who was more effective, first generation antipsychotics or second-generation antipsychotics (Kane, 1999). The CATIE trial compares first and second generation antipsychotics, comparing first generation perphenazine with second generation drugs, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, and ziprazidone. Overall, olanzapine did better than other treatments,. 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